The limited liability company in Italy is a kind of company that allows small social enterprises to benefit from limited liability. The srl, like the spa, acquires the legal personality with the registration in the Company Register held at the Chmaber of Commerce.The srl can be set up with an agreement between the quota holders or by a unilateral deed for single-member companies (srl Unipersonale).

The capital of the srl may be less than € 10.000 and not less than € 1, with contributions only in cash; in this case the srl must set aside a sum to be deducted from the net profits resulting from the financial statements equal to at least 1/5 of the same, this obligation remains until the reserve and the capital have not reached the amount of € 10.000.

The incorporation of the srl company takes places in two phases, namely:

1) the stipulation of the deed of incorporation (atto costitutivo) – contract or unilateral act – and

2) the company’s registration in the Company Register.